Some people might be scared buying high label branded stuff from the internet because they would not know if it's really original authentics or not.

But don't worry, WHATEVER HeartLoveCoach is selling is ALL ORIGINAL and we will never going to sell FAKE or REPLICAS to our customers.

All our items are genuine- and came directly from COACH FACTORY OUTLET base in U.S.A, New York.

The owner of HEARTLOVECOACH is a team up of two sisters which is one who stayed and migrated in U.S.A and another is in Malaysia.

The two sisters who was thousands of miles apart REALLY LOVESSS FASHION and they're follow up every updates on fashion.

"FASHION is everything. Fashion is ORIGINAL. Never FAKE it."

Saturday 28 May 2011


 YES, we ONLY sells ORIGINAL AUTHENTIC Coach. We DON'T and NEVER going to sell FAKE or REPLICAS stuffs to all our customers. We know that when it comes to buy a GOOD LABEL BRAND its always worth buying if it's REALLY REALLY ORIGINAL. We Loves fashion SO MUCH and for us, why must buy FAKE while can get ORIGINAL AUTHENTICS for cheaper price.

 Trust us. Everything that we sell is genuine and all directly from COACH FACTORY OUTLET U.S.A New York!

 Happy shopping with us. Thanks.

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